The festival has ended, but the celebration continues!
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Can you imagine Miami Beach without
Historic Art Deco?
Art Deco Weekend was created 48 years ago by the Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL) to showcase the beautiful Art Deco buildings of South Beach, saving it for future generations. MDPL’s early work was a catalyst that created the vibrant, world-class city we live in today!
Art Deco Weekend®is produced and owned by the Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL) with major funding and support from:
The City of Miami Beach, Mayor & Commissioners of the City of Miami Beach, Miami Beach Visitor & Convention Authority, and Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council; with the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Cultural Affairs Council, the Mayor, and the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners; as well as the Miami-Dade County Tourist Development Council and the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs.
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