Celebrating the
Art Deco Centennial

Join us Martin Luther King, Jr Weekend 

Jan 18-20, 2025

2 day marketplace. Estimated 50,000 visitors

Existing Vendors: View Check in Details here.

Booth location have been sent via email. Load-in is Saturday morning before 9:30am.

Bring your Tent

Bring your 10x10 tent. Since this is an overnight festival, tents must have sides in order to close overnight. A full list of requirements and more details can be reviewed on the application form's terms and conditions: click here

Enhanced Promotions

The organizers and the City of Miami Beach are investing additional marketing to promote the event

Streamlined Check-In

We've simplified the check-in process and you'll be able to go directly to your booth space in the morning of Jan 18th. No need to come the day before to register

Streamlined Hours

2025 will have a two-day marketplace. Load-in on Saturday morning and Load-out on Sunday evening

Parking Included

One parking space per vendor included - additional can be added for $40 (up to 2).

Pricing And Details for Non-Food Vendors:


New Marketplace Hours:

Saturday 1/18/2025: 10am to 8pm

Sunday 1/19/2025: 10am to 8pm

Pricing for 2025

Antiques, Vintage, and Collectibles:

$600 for 10×10 booth space;

$1,200 for 10×20 booth space.

Priority space and pricing will be given to sellers in this category.

Original Art:

$600 for 10×10 booth space;

$1,200 for 10×20 booth space.

Includes original art, photography, and sculpture.

Original Artisan Crafts:

$600 for 10×10 booth space;

$1,200 for 10×20 booth space.

Includes handmade/homemade items, resellers not included..

General Merchandise (not antique, vintage, artisan, artist, or food/beverage).

$800 for 10×10 booth space;

$1,600 for 10×20 booth space.

This includes resellers of new merchandise. Only a limited number of spots will be given in this category.

Local Small Business or Service (must have a business/service within Miami-Dade County):

$800 for 10×10 booth space;

$1,600 for 10×20 booth space.

Examples include a restaurant, attorney, medical office, flower shop, bookstore.

National Brand:

$2,500 for 10×10 booth space;

$5,000 for 10×20 booth space.

A limited number of spaces will be made available for national brands.

To apply for Art Deco Weekend 2025 and view the terms and conditions, please fill out the application form: COMING SOON!