Inspired by people he met while working on the Christo Surrounded Islands project, David Bricker found himself living aboard chasing stories here in Miami, throughout the Bahamas, and across the Atlantic. Realizing that he was living in a storybook, he wrote about and photographed his adventures. Not only is this talk historically surprising and interesting, it reveals an important truth—that adventure can be had in real life and not just in books and movies.
About the Speaker
Dave Bricker is a resident of Coral Gables and has an MFA in Visual Communications. Bricker taught at the Art Institute in Miami for 15 years. He has been a speaker at numerous conferences and corporate events, including National Speakers Association events. He offers training programs in storytelling for leaders and teams. He is an award-winning professional speaker and author of 13 books who spent many years living aboard sailboats in Miami’s Dinner Key Anchorage. That anchorage, “the secret floating village,” is located a quarter-mile from Miami City Hall.